
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

Despite the fact that, governments are really working harder to ensure maximum digital accessibility and even organizations are applying technologies to make sure they are providing accessible solutions, 可访问性仍然需要做更多的工作.

Almost 15% of the world’s population is suffering from some sort of disability. Today, 当数字化不可避免的时候, how can we deprive this significant number of people from digital accessibility? 这就是科技作为救世主出现的地方.

有无数的残疾人仍然不知道 符合ADA标准的网站可访问性, accessible tools, and usage of digital services due to a lack of digital literacy and access. To reduce this gap and to make digital services available for more and more people, 科技带来了创新, for instance, 人工智能(AI).

Read the article to know, what is the importance of technology in digital accessibility.


现在我们的生活完全依赖于数字世界. 从娱乐到交流,从学习到其他服务, 由于科技的进步,我们生活的方方面面都发生了变化. However, people with disabilities are still underprivileged to these services because they are deprived of digital access.

残疾人使用互联网和其他数字服务, 但这一数字非常低. 这背后的主要原因是无法访问的内容. Such content cannot be interpreted by screen readers and other assistive devices. For instance, if a visually impaired person tries to access some content via screen reader but the reader will find it difficult to convert text to speech if designers have not included accessibility standards to the content.

一些主要的可访问性障碍是图形上缺少替代文本标签, forms, tables, or links, 如果按钮或链接太小, 如果鼠标指针不清楚可见, or if the design, layout, 或者网站的可导航性无法访问.


人工智能设备的使用有所增加. Speech recognition, 自然语言处理(NLP), and automation have become commonly used practices in offices and other places.

People with visual issues can use AI-related gestures or touch/voice-enabled products or services. Similarly, users with hearing problems and speech issues can use gesture-enabled interventions using AR/VR apps.

The NLP, machine learning, and AI make complex documents and images easily accessible to visually impaired people. These are the users who face tough accessibility challenges due to vision problems and AI with other advancements helps them with digital accessibility.

Most importantly, AI-powered software products have made the automation process easier for developers and designers. Many technologies like Drupal development 有现成的插件,包括访问您的内容. However, earlier it was a bit difficult for designers because they had to make content accessible manually every time. In short, now it is a win-win situation for both users and developers in order to achieve digital accessibility.


1. Screen Readers

这是一种带有软件的设备,可以让用户导航并大声朗读 数字内容可访问性. It is primarily useful for people with vision issues as well as users with cognitive disorders can also use them.

2. 屏幕放大软件

This software helps users to magnify content within some specific area of the monitor or mobile. Screen magnification software is helpful when the responsive content is designated to be modified as needed by the user.

3. Speech Input

如果用户不能使用键盘输入数据,语音输入可以帮助他们. Windows语音识别就是这样一种语音输入软件.

4. Alternative Inputs

它是为那些不使用鼠标或键盘的人准备的. 例如,头指针、运动或眼动追踪、开关设备等. These inputs enable users to select text and other interactive objects on the screen using a ‘switch’ that confirms their selection.

Identifying potential barriers to engaging users with disabilities is the best way to assess technology for accessibility. However, if you have a working knowledge of assistive technologies and how it works with digital content, 这样你就可以轻松实现可访问性.



Public touch screen technology needed to be accessible to everyone because of its crucial usage in day-to-day life, 之前对视障用户来说,哪个是一个挑战. 为了解决这个问题,引入了交互式系统. 他们帮助这些用户了解和使用触摸屏系统.


People with disabilities can interact with apps and software with the help of augmented reality. The devices with AR help users with disabilities to experience the digital content exactly the way it is available to other users.


现代设备的键盘上有触摸感应硬件. 现在,应用程序也与手机键盘和预测文本系统兼容. AI helps here; it analyses users’ habits and frequently used words and based on that it gives suggestions to the users. 这对身体有缺陷的用户来说是一个巨大的帮助.


Many 符合ADA标准的移动应用程序 help users with disabilities to increase digital accessibility by helping them in their daily lives. 他们在传感器上工作,让这些用户的生活变得轻松.


Digital accessibility is the expansion of ADA standards for mobile and other devices that helps to create a harmonious bond between content and assistive technologies. For instance, 有声读物有助于将文本转换成语音, 哪个对盲人或弱视的人有帮助. Similarly, closed captioning of videos helps deaf or people with some sort of hearing issues to understand the video content.

All the major ecommerce and CMS platforms are coming up with innovative features and extensions to include accessibility as one of their best practices.

“易用性不是一种功能,而是一种社会趋势.” - Antonio Santos

组织已经开始认真对待可访问性, 科技正在帮助他们实现数字化访问.

您是否想使您现有的网站或应用程序ADA合规, redesign your website with ADA compliance or require a new ADA compliant website, 电子商务商店或ADA兼容的移动应用程序, 你来对地方了! We follow not just WCAG standards but also adhere to the best design practices to improve ADA网站可访问性. Get in touch with us at [email protected] 或提交以下要求免费报价表格.