The impeccable custom Aimeos ecommerce web application caters to a different segment of customers!

The Impeccable Custom Aimeos Ecommerce Web Application Caters to a Different Segment of Customers!

The Brief

A UAE-based pet supply store has aimed to provide the lifetime needs of pets. They have proper workforce and in-house facilities to fulfil every single transaction with care and efficiency. They wanted to make us an ecommerce marketplace web application; thereby, their customers can buy pet products in various categories and variations. 他们的主要需求是与Aimeos的自动装运集成. 牢记着自己的目标,他们想要一个 ecommerce web application 所有可能的集成, multiple payment options are one of them including the payment gateway

因为他们想要一个市场应用程序, thus, the application ought to have a feature wherein sellers can register themselves easily and start selling their products. 他们想要一个带有客户仪表板的应用程序, 这样他们的客户就可以管理他们的个人资料, orders, subscriptions, rewards, and points.

应用程序响应性是另一个先决条件. And they wanted complete backend access to manage all the ecommerce marketplace activities. The backend access was supposed to be built on Aimeos as per their requirements.

The Challenges

  • The customization of form builder section that too it was required to be dynamic.
  • The customization of Aimeos code and its integration as per the client’s requirements.
  • Integration of bank issuer discount with order segment to modify Aimeos default order flow.
  • Integration of Elastic Search to create indexing of products, categories, etc.
  • Odoo (ERP) integration with Aimeos backend; thus, whatever information will be added to the backend will get displayed in Odoo.
  • 自动船舶功能管理, in which customers’ orders will get placed automatically after a certain duration.
  • 整合市场扩展是一项艰巨的任务. 一个卖家可以注册自己的市场, add products, 并根据添加的产品接收订单.
  • 基于Vue的Aimeos后端部分的定制.js.

Pet supply store

Project Size




  • Aimeos (Laravel PHP框架)作为后端
  • MySQL for database storage
  • 引导使用SaaS进行设计
  • JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, Vue.js, GrapesJS

The Solutions

Providing a personalized experience to all the customers was the main idea behind the integrations we did. There was no place for low quality in terms of product relevancy and client experience. When customizing the Aimeos-Laravel structure, the conversion rate was our key focus.

与公司战略保持一致, a sharp vision considering the flow of the application and identification of requirements were considered in the initial phase. We adhered to the agile methodology to keep pace with the rapid application deployment in the face of changing requirements. Git, an effective tool was used to creating a working environment and to encourage real-time collaboration within the internal team.

  • Our team customized Aimeos and made one separate section with Aimeos standard codes. Moreover, we made dynamic forms in the backend that displays in the frontend.
  • 使用Aimeos Laravel结构, we created customized sections in the web application as per client requirements.
  • 有一个专门的银行发行部门提供折扣, 它是由后端管理的, 管理员可以在哪里添加发行人的详细信息和折扣百分比. Thus, when a user makes a purchase and uses the same card as added in the details, 他们得到折扣,因为它是在后端预定义的. For this, we maintained order flow and base order things of Aimeos and Laravel together.
  • Aimeos has an Elastic search option, but it is restricted to products only. Therefore, we tried customization to add functionalities for search indexing. 我们使用cron作业和命令行函数来添加搜索索引.
  • We have integrated Odoo API with Aimeos and generated a command/job through which the system sends data automatically to Odoo.
  • We have extended Aimeos ‘Subscription’ feature and implemented the ‘Auto-ship’ feature with that.
  • We used the Aimeos extension for the marketplace website and customized them for meeting client’s requirements.
  • Aimeos后端是使用Vue构建的.使用一些我们在应用前检查过的Aimeos自定义代码. 此外,根据客户端的需求在后端创建了另一个部分.


  • 登录或注册可以从一般的电子商务网站完成.
  • 产品的浏览可以从主页pg电子官网中完成. Promotional popups are also there for product suggestions, which are based on cookies.
  • 过滤器帮助顾客按品牌和类别购物.
  • 顾客可以对每种产品发表评论, 但只有得到后台部门的批准,才能看到它们. 客户可以将产品固定, 管理自己喜欢的产品, watched products, “推荐产品”也会出现在产品页面上.
  • Moreover, the application has a ‘best price’ option for some specific products. 客户可以要求管理员为任何产品提供最优惠的价格, 如果管理员批准最优惠的价格, 然后顾客就可以以折扣价购买该产品.
  • The pet supplies ecommerce application has a points and rewards feature as well. Customers get reward points on each purchase as it is defined in the backend, and they can redeem the points on other purchases as per the options available for them.
  • 该应用程序有多种支付选项,包括 payment gateway.
  • 客户端可以在后端管理产品订单和折扣.
  • Customers have their dashboards to manage their orders, points, profile, etc.
  • 应用程序具有基于订阅的订单. 如果客户选择了某些订阅并订购了该产品一次, 他们的下一批货会按照订阅模式自动发货. Cronjobs和Aimeos功能管理此自动交付特性.
  • 附属功能也存在于应用程序中. If a customer refers some product to another customer and shares its short code and if another customer buys referred product, then the customer who referred the product gets the commission as pre-defined in the backend.
  • 为客户提供动态反馈表单. They fill in details and submit them and the admin receives emails for each feedback form.
  • 调查部分也可以在电子商务web应用程序中使用, 哪一项允许客户填写调查问卷并提交. 行政部门接收后台办公室的所有调查报告.
  • 由于应用程序具有市场集成, thus, anyone can register themselves as a seller and sell their products on a commission basis.
  • CMS页面浏览可以从后端面板进行管理.


  • Successfully developed and deployed the ecommerce web application within the given time.
  • Customers are liking the application where they can buy every pet quality product.
  • Out-of-the-box user experience is increasing the number of sales every day.


我们是Aimeos的国际电子商务合作伙伴. With proven expertise in building top-level ecommerce stores using Aimeos, 我们保证专业的, full- featured & 高性能的电子商务网站为您没有任何麻烦. Whether you require Aimeos store development, redesign, migration, upgrades, integration, Aimeos维护和支持, Aimeos多厂商多渠道市场, multi-tenant SaaS solution, or anything; we can help you to develop a full-fledged Aimeos ecommerce store.

Contact us at [email protected] or submit your request free quote for more information.




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