
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Accessibility Solution for Online Grocery Stores

Accessibility is no longer an option; it is a necessity. As supermarkets and online grocery stores continue to thrive, it’s imperative to ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can access and navigate these platforms seamlessly. 数字无障碍不仅迎合了残障人士的需求,还增强了所有客户的整体用户体验.

零售行业必须确保他们的商店(在线和实体店)功能齐全,对包括残疾人在内的所有人都无障碍. Research data shows that approx. 6100万美国成年人患有某种形式的残疾,他们的基本购物需求必须通过网上杂货店和超市来满足.

In this article, 我们将探讨数字可访问性对超市和在线杂货店及其购物体验的影响.

Efforts online grocery stores are making to implement digital accessibility!

digital accessibility for online grocery store

  • Assistive technology integration

    Retailers are actively implementing various digital assistive technologies with their online stores to improve the shopping experience. Assistive technologies such as reading aids, text-to-speech, adjustable font sizes, and color adjustments. 这些外部软件/工具使网站和移动应用程序对残疾人可用, which increases the store’s reach to a huge potential customer base.

  • Product images with the correct description and alt text

    视障用户通过屏幕阅读器阅读文本,屏幕阅读器会大声读出描述产品图像的alt文本,如果alt文本丢失了, screen readers cannot recognize and explain them. Thus, each product image needs relevant alt text to ensure its accessibility.

  • Variety of payment options

    如果结帐时支付选项有限,残疾用户会发现更难完成交易. Thus, 必须为不同的用户提供流行的支付网关集成,以便用户可以通过方便的选项支付. Also, 所有的说明必须清楚地提到完成交易,结账应该简短而简单.

  • Accessible customer support

    人工智能聊天机器人是每个在网上杂货店购物的用户的新时代必备工具. They can reach out to them conveniently in case of any problem. Moreover, 如果用户在聊天机器人无法理解的事情上需要帮助,应该有一个明确提到的电话号码. Stores must provide a variety of communication methods for customers, for example, email, live chat, text messaging, etc. Quick help from stores enhances customer trust and loyalty, especially from people with disabilities because at times, they really need assistance.

  • Accessible web design


    Font size, space, 而色彩对比要适当,才能正确阅读和感知内容.




    CTAs should be clear and visible to perform desired actions.

    可读的说明帮助有认知和学习障碍的用户登录和结帐页面. And there is much more to make accessible web design.

Some profound use cases of incredible online grocery store’s growth

  • 亚马逊通过提供数字访问来优先考虑客户的独特需求,它的成功是显而易见的.

  • 沃尔玛于2021年推出了卓越无障碍中心(ACE),以改善所有客户的网站可访问性, resulting expanded user base for them worldwide.

  • Similarly, 塔吉特(Target)和百思买(Best Buy)也专注于为客户提供可访问性,从而获得更多利润.

  • One of our gourmet grocery store clients (from San Diego) doing more numbers now after implementing WCAG requirements on their website. 由于《pg电子竞技》的合规问题,他们面临着诉讼,而且该网站还有其他几个瓶颈,这是业务数字停滞不前的深刻原因.

    We applied WCAG 2.1 level AA standards to the website including page structure remediation, alt text for images, form corrections, etc. We also worked on their social media and Google Map integration. With our custom ADA remediation services, they were able to overcome all accessibility-related issues and thrive.

Benefits of embracing digital accessibility for online grocery stores!

数字可访问性实现的最重要的优势之一是扩大了客户群. The accessible store is open for everyone for example, a visually impaired user may use Braille or a screen reader to explore the store, while an individual with hearing issues can rely on captions. So, it ultimately increases the store’s online reach to new territories.

benefits of digital accessibility for online grocery stores

Other benefits are:

  • Compliance with regulations
    Many countries have laws and regulations mandating digital accessibility, so ensuring compliance helps online grocery stores avoid legal issues.

  • Enhanced reputation
    展示对包容性和可访问性的承诺可以提高在线杂货店的声誉, leading to rapid business growth.

  • Improved SEO
    Implementing accessibility features can improve search engine optimization (SEO), as search engines favor websites that are user-friendly for all.

  • Long-term cost savings

  • Competitive advantage

Wrapping up

在线杂货店和超市的数字化可访问性背后的想法是为每个人提供一种轻松的体验,而不管他们的年龄, skills, or abilities because buying groceries is one of the basic needs for all. Thus, designing and maintaining an accessible store is imperative.

“Accessibility is an outcome. Inclusive design is a process.”

- Derek Featherstone (VP of accessibility and inclusive design, Salesforce)

So, follow the process to create an inclusive design to achieve accessible results; accessible online stores for users, and accessible business growth for these stores. A perfect win-win for everyone!

解锁您的超市或杂货店的潜力与我们的可靠和具有成本效益的数字可访问性小部件 All in One Accessibility. At Skynet Technologies, we also offer a complete website accessibility remediation solution. 从可访问的网站设计到包容性的移动应用程序和辅助技术集成, we empower our clients to create an inclusive shopping environment for everyone. Elevate customer satisfaction, increase brand loyalty, and tap into new markets by prioritizing digital accessibility. Request a full website accessibility remediation quote or reach out to us at [email protected] 提高您的超市的数字存在和提高所有的购物体验, including people with disabilities.